Trochanteric Bursitis

Trochanteric Bursitis
Trochanteric bursitis is an inflammation of the trochanteric bursa. The only cardinal sign of inflammation that is present is pain.
Inflammation of the bursa is a slow process, which progresses over time. This bursitis most often occurs because of friction, overuse, direct trauma or too much pressure.
There are two types of bursitis:
Acute bursitis occurs because of trauma or a massive overload. After a few days’ symptoms like pain, swelling and a warm feeling when touching the affected area can be noticed. It will also be very painful to move the joint.
Chronic bursitis which is caused by overuse, too much pressure on the structures or extreme movements. Wrong muscle strain can also be a cause of chronic bursitis. The main symptom which is always present is pain.
Risk factors that can cause Trochanteric Bursitis include:
Gender-Women more commonly affected than men, Obesity, Trauma to hip, Overuse of the muscles around the bursa or the joint underneath the bursa, Dysfunction of the insertion of the muscle gluteus medius, Hip osteoarthritis, Repetitive strain, Poorly cushioned shoes, Leg length differences.

Characteristics/Clinical Presentation:
Chronic pain and/or hip tenderness in the lateral aspect of the hip that may radiate down the thigh
A snap felt in the lateral aspect of the hip
Ascending stairs is a painful activity
Unable to lie down on the affected side
Development of pain-related sleep disturbance
Lower back pain